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SEND Information

If you have any concerns about your child, then please speak to your child's teacher. You can also contact the SENDCO, Mrs Pincher, directly at

Here is the School Information Report; this is a document that gives information on the implementation of our policy for pupils with SEND.

School Information Report
Support Guide to Changes in Worcestershire Services  

Below is a document created by NHS Worcestershire, which gives information on services parents can access. As a result of the coronavirus pandemic, some of the services are working in different ways to support children, young people and their family or carers, and this information is collated below.

Here are links to websites that can provide support for parents and children:
  • NHS Now We're Talking Mental health support for adults and children, with a specific COVID 19 support page.

National Autism Helpline: Call 0808 800 4104, Monday to Thursday from 10am - 4pm and Friday's from 9am - 3pm. 

(excluding bank holidays).

  • Occupational TherapyOccupational Therapy resources and there is a direct line to get advice and support during COVID 19.


Our school promotes inclusion and ensures that children with special educational needs, disability or medical conditions are not discriminated against in any way.

We follow the definitions outlined in the Sen and Disability 0-25 years Code of practice (2014) when deciding whether a child has a Special Educational Need. For more information on this please refer to our School Information Report. 

Our school has an Accessibility Plan aimed to ensure that:

  • All pupils have equal access to and participation in the school curriculum.
  • Accessibility for disabled pupils/parents/visitors is enhanced.
  •  All pupils/parents have access to information.

In their planning teachers account for the needs of each child, and where extra provision is required the teacher and the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Leader assess the child’s needs carefully and develop a map of provision which matches teaching strategies, resources and/or extra adult support to the child’s individual learning requirement. At Stoke Prior First School, parents are actively involved in supporting their children’s learning.

For those pupils who need it, additional support and advice is given by outside agencies, with whom we work closely with.

SEND Policy

Worcestershire Local Offer

Here is a link to the Worcestershire Local Offer. This will provide information about provision families can expect to be available across education, health and social care for children and young people who have Special Educational Need (SEN) or are disabled, including those who do not have Education, Health and Care (EHC) plans.  You can find out about resources, services, support, activities and events here.

Information on the Graduated Response 

The Graduated Response refers to the way that support is reviewed and updated regularly for each child. This involves a four-part cycle called Assess, Plan, Do, Review and there is further information below: 

Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) 

If we can't meet your child's needs using the support we usually offer to children who need extra help, the County Council may carry out a needs assessment for your child.  This is called an Education Health and Care Assessment or EHC assessment. When your child's needs have been assessed, a plan for meeting these needs may be drawn up. This plan is called an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP), please see the links below for further information:

If you feel you would like further advice or support then please access the Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) link below. This is an excellent site that offers a range of information, resources and support for a wide range of special educational needs and disabilities.  

There is also more support on the Independent Provider of Special Education Advice website, which is a charity offering advice to parents. Follow the IPSEA link below. 

  • IPSEA (Independent Provider of Special Educational Advice)