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SMSC & British Values

Spiritual, Moral, Social, Cultural Development & British Values

At Stoke Prior First School we actively promote children's understanding of SMSC through all aspects of the curriculum.

Spiritual Development

Spiritual development encourages pupils to be reflective about their own beliefs. It also involves learning about and respecting the beliefs of other people. Pupils have many opportunities to learn about the world around them throughout the curriculum. Spiritual Development also involves pupils using their imagination and creativity in their learning.

Moral Development

This is the ability to recognise the difference between right and wrong. Pupils are taught to recognise this and the consequences of their behaviour or actions. All years groups use a Zone Board behaviour system which encourages children to reflect upon their behaviour. Children are encouraged to offer their own views in discussions but to also listen and appreciate the views of others.

Social Development

This involves the ability to work and socialize with others. Pupils are encouraged to work co-operatively and to find ways to resolve disputes effectively with guidance when it is required.  Children have many opportunities to meet and socialize with children from other schools at sporting events throughout the year, gifted and talented workshops and transition days.

Cultural Development

Pupils have opportunities, throughout the curriculum, to learn about different cultures in the world as well as cultural influences from the past. For example, this can be through a History topic like the Romans or learning about Divali in Religious Education.


The DfE have recently reinforced the need “to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.”

The government set out its definition of British values in the 2011 Prevent Strategy, and these values have been reiterated by the Prime Minister.

We believe these values are strongly reflected and promoted in our school through our core values and creative curriculum.

Should you feel at any time that the school does not act in accordance with the Department for Education guidance, or that your child has / is vulnerable to the opinions, viewpoints or suggestions of those in or out of the school, that may be deemed political, social or religious radicalisation, please contact the headteacher.