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Visits from Mr Caldora Summer Term 2024

On his second visit ,our adopted Chef, Mr Caldora, spent the morning with Year 3 pupils demonstrating how to use a knife safely in the kitchen.  The children donned their aprons and chefs' hats and used these skills to create their own pot of salad.  Then they had the pleasure of tasting their creations, some children trying fruits and vegetables they had not tasted before. Then on his 3rd and final visit to Year 3 he showed us all of the skills needed to make bread for a pizza base.  The children had such an amazing time and we were so proud of how they followed every instruction he gave.  The children will be taking their pizza dough home to create their own toppings and bake at home.  A huge thank you to Mr Caldora, for making cooking memorable!

Click on this link to watch the video of Mr Caldora in action









The buzz of working in a kitchen!

 Lots of instructions from Mr Caldora

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