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Year 2

Welcome to Autumn Term in Year 2!


Hello from the Year 2 team!

Mrs Anderson, Miss Mather & Miss Jacobs

(photo to follow)


Year 2 School and Eco Councillors 

photos and names to be added once elections have taken place

Please use the headings below to see what we are learning about this term in Year 2.



This term, in English, we are studying the following texts:


                 A River by Marc Martin                                                                       The Night Gardener by The Fan Brothers

Children will be writing narratives for both texts, as well as a letter and a diary.

Terminology for pupils: noun, noun phrase, statement, question, exclamation, command, compound, suffix, adjective, adverb, verb, tense (past present) apostrophe, comma


We use Master the Curriculum for maths. Below you can see the small steps we will be learning in the Autumn term. Each small step usually represents one lesson. However, sometimes we may take a few extra lessons to learn and consolidate some of these maths skills. 

Our maths focus areas this term are: Place Value, Addition & Subtraction, Shape.

Guided Reading

We have three Guided Reading lessons every week. These are the texts we are reading this term:

Text 1 Text 2 Text 3
The ride by nights Cinderella: An Art Deco Fairy Tale A Book of Bears
Fictional worlds and fantasy Fairy Tale Bravery vs Fear
Poetry Fiction Non-Fiction


In Science during the first half term we will be learning about habitats, where we will learn to:

  • Ask questions to further their knowledge.
  • Recall some life processes, giving examples of how they apply to plants and animals.
  • Classify objects into alive, never been alive and was once alive, giving reasons for their choices.
  • Match different plants and animals to their habitats.
  • Give examples of how animals use their habitat for food and shelter.
  • Recall that plants produce their own food for energy.
  • Name living things that are producers and place a producer at the beginning of a food chain.
  • Use arrows to show the order in a food chain.

In Science during the second half term we will be learning about microhabitats, where we will learn to:

  • Identify and name a variety of plants and animals.
  • Recall that minibeasts live in microhabitats.
  • Describe microhabitats and their conditions.
  • Describe how microhabitats provide for the basic needs of animals and plants.
  • Describe the job role of a botanist.
  • Group minibeasts and create simple classification keys.
  • Ask questions and recognise that they can be answered in different ways.
  • Gather and record data and use it to answer questions.
  • Plan what observations to make in an experiment.
  • Order the steps of a method.
  • Describe the appearance of flowering plants.
  • Use an identification chart to name flowering plants.


 In computing this term we are learning about online safety and effective searching. We use Purple Mash to help us learn about computing. You will find your login details in the back of your reading diary. 


How was school different in the past? 

In our Autumn 1 history topic we will learn to:

  • Correctly order and date four photographs on a timeline and add some dates.
  • Ask one question about schools in the past.
  • Make one comparison between schools in the past and present.
  • Use sources to research and develop an understanding of what schools were like 100 years ago.
  • Identify three features of a classroom now and a classroom 100 years ago, identifying some similarities and differences.
  • Recognise two similarities and two differences between schools now and schools in the past.
  • State whether they would have preferred to go to school in the past or not and explain why.

Would you prefer to live in a hot place or a cold place?

In our Autumn 2 geography topic we will learn to:

  • Name and locate the seven continents on a world map.
  • Locate the North and the South Poles on a world map.
  • Locate the Equator on a world map.
  • Describe some similarities and differences between the UK and Kenya.
  • Investigate the weather, writing about it using key vocabulary and explaining whether they live in a hot or cold place.
  • Recognise the features of hot and cold places.
  • Locate some countries with hot or cold climates on a world map.


In DT we are learning about Mechanisms - Fairground wheel . We will learn to:

  • Design and label a wheel.
  • Consider the designs of others and make comments about their practicality or appeal.
  • Consider the materials, shape, construction and mechanisms of their wheel.
  • Label their designs.
  • Build a stable structure with a rotating wheel.
  • Test and adapt their designs as necessary.
  • Follow a design plan to make a completed model of the wheel.

In Art we are exploring drawing using tone, painting clay poppies and the work of artist Stephen Wiltshire.  

Stephen Wiltshire aka “The Living Camera”: The Incredibly Gifted ...


In Music we will be exploring duration, pulse and rhythm this term. 



In PE this term we are learning the following:


  • Physical: run, speed, agility, dodge, balance, jump, hop, skip
  • Social: collaboration, respect, take turns, communication, encourage others
  • Emotional: determination, honesty, perseverance
  • Thinking: comprehension, make decisions, creativity, use tactics, recall

Ball skills:

  • Physical: roll, track, dribble with feet, kick, throw, catch, dribble with hands
  • Social: inclusion, communication, collaboration, leadership
  • Emotional: independence, honesty, perseverance, determination
  • Thinking: comprehension, select and apply skills, use tactics


  • Physical: run, stamina, skip, co-ordination, agility, strength, balance
  • Social: encourage others, communication
  • Emotional: determination, perseverance
  • Thinking: comprehension, identify strengths and areas for improvement

Sending and receiving 

  • Physical: roll, track, catch, receive with feet, kick, send and receive with a racket
  • Social: communication, collaboration, leadership
  • Emotional: honesty, determination
  • Thinking: identifying how to improve, comprehension

Pe Class Clipart | Free download on ClipArtMag


We follow the Worcestershire Agreed Syllabus for RE. 

Our two key questions this term are:

  • How should we care for the world and others and why should it matter?
  • Why does Christmas matter to Christians?


In PSHE we are learning about:


  • Friendship;
  • feeling lonely;
  • managing arguments


  • Behaviour;
  • bullying;
  • words and actions;
  • respect for others

Enhanced Curriculum 


Year 2 have learning outside the classroom for an two hours every other Wednesday afternoon. Children need to bring in dark jogging bottoms and wellies for these weekly sessions. 

Please see our Outdoor Learning page for more information on  LOTC

Iron Bridge trip -  Tis is taking place on 9th October, where Year 2 will travel back in time to Blists Hill Victorian Town - don't forget to dress up like a victorian child and fully emerse yourselves in the experience!

Christmas Play - The children in Year 2 are a part of our Christmas play. We are performing for families on 9th December 2pm and 6pm, and 11th December 6pm. We hope you can join us! 

Reading, Spellings & Times Tables at home

It is expected that parents will support their child’s learning through nightly reading, times tables and practising spelling words. Creative tasks may be set at points during the year that children can complete to support class topics or other whole school themes e.g. arts week or science week.

Expectations for homework

  • Reading: Children will receive a reading book from school, which they should read every day. It is also encouraged for them to read their own books at home too, to develop a love of reading and an experience of a range of genres. Please log all in reading in their diaries.
  • Spellings: children  will receive weekly spellings. Please support your child in learning these.
  • Times tables:  Children should be using the online platform Times table Rock Stars - regularly to practice these, so that they know all of their facts up to 12 x 12 by the end of Year 4. At least twice a week (2, 5, 10)
  • Whole School Challenges: Throughout the year there are a range of special challenges e.g. make a bird feeders related to whole school initiatives. These tasks are optional and are in addition to homework set by class teachers.

Online Platforms (if you wish to do extra!)
Numbots -
Times table Rock Stars -
Purple Mash -

Thank you for taking the time to look at our class page and everything we are going to be learning this term. If you have any questions, please contact the office or speak to a staff member after school!